• Pre-School Policies and Procedures

    Our pre-school is committed to providing parents with quality information about our setting, your child and early years. Our operations manual which holds all our policies and procedures is available to view at any time in the foyer area of the pre-school. It is important for all parents to familiarise themselves with our policies and procedures to help you understand how we operate. Please ensure that you read everything thoroughly before you sign.

    Settling in Policy
    Parent One-to-One Meetings

    Parent meetings are held in March, June and October every year. Your keyworker will discuss with you how your child has settled in and their progress and ensure you are happy that your child’s needs are being met. You will be given your child’s foundation stage booklet to take home and read. However this must be returned to your keyworker soon as possible.

    Communication and Family Involvement

    We highly value the families of the children that are with us. We continually strive to encourage mums, dads and carers to communicate as we want you to feel part of our community and involved in your child’s education.

    Each term a newsletter with events and changes will be sent home with your child. Please view our notice board for updates and there is a policy folder available for you to view in the foyer area.

    We are grateful to parents who volunteer as a duty parents. Without regular parental help some of our activities would not be possible, please let us know if you would like to be involved.

    Collection of Children

    Please complete the registration form providing details of all persons whom you agree may collect your child at the end of a session.

    If you have agreed with another parent that, on a given day, they will take your child home to play with their child, please ensure that you let staff know at the beginning of the session so that details can be collected.

    For safety reasons your child may not be released if the staff are unsure of whom it is trying to collect them, so it is vitally important that you keep your registration form up to date and notify staff of any changes immediately.

    Non Collection of Children Policy

    In the event that your child remains uncollected after a session and we are unable to contact the parents, guardians or one of the other adults authorised to collect your child (and staff are no longer able to supervise your child on the premises), then we apply our Area Child Protection Guidelines as set out in our Child Protection Policy. For details please see the Uncollected Child Policy.

    Behaviour Management

    We believe that children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows what is expected of them and children are free to develop their play and learning without fear or being hurt or hindered by anyone else. Please read our full Behaviour Management Policy to understand how to achieve this.

    Child Protection

    Hillside Pre-School has a responsibility to report any child protection issues in accordance with the Bristol City Council Child Protection Procedure. A copy of this procedure can be found on the pre-school notice board and in our operation manual. The designated Child Protection Officer is the Pre-School Manager at the time.

    All trustees, staff and supply staff are CRM police checked.

    Download full policy here

    Download the safe guarding children overview here

    Incidents and Accidents

    In the event of a serious accident or incident the parents or guardians of the child concerned will be contacted, and where necessary the emergency services. In the event that the parents or guardians cannot be reached the staff will contact the next available person listed on the registration form. Staff are not permitted to transport children to hospital (not even if the parent/guardian has given verbal permission) and therefore they will await the arrival of the emergency services. For full details of this health and safety policy or any other policy please refer to our operations manual. Please ask a member of staff.

    Staff will log details of any accident that occurs involving a child in the incident/accident book. They will also record details of any incident relating to a child e.g. when restraint such as holding has been used to prevent physical injury to another child/adult/property. The parent or authorised collector of the child will be asked to sign the book.


    We have a complaints file in the pre-school that can be seen by parents at any time.

    If you have a complaint or a concern please first raise it with the pre-school leader or write to the Chair of the Pre-school.

    Should the matter not be resolved to your satisfaction please contact:

    Ofsted Complaints Line
    National Business Unit
    Royal Exchange Buildings
    St Anne’s Square
    M2 7LA


    Our pre-school is managed by a management committee of trustees and parent committee trustees.
    The trustees have overall responsibility for the pre-school and all pre-school staff. They are accountable to Ofsted. The Pre-School Learning Alliance, Charity Commission as well as HM Government bodies.

    The parent non-trustees help to raise funds and organise events for the pre-school, which enable us to purchase new equipment, subsidise trips and help towards supplies such as arts and crafts. Parents bring many professional skills onto the pre-school team.

    An effective management body allows the pre-school to rapidly respond to change whilst ensuring good business practice is adhered to.

    The pre-school can respond quickly to parents wishes/concerns.

    Trustees have children at the pre-school and therefore can witness the changes they have orchestrated and how this benefits their own child as well as future generations.

    Parents wishing to take on the role and responsibility of trustee/non-trustee genuinely have the pre-school and staff’s best interests at heart.

    Both of the above grops are vital to the continuation, progress and success of this pre-school.

    SENCo and Working with other Professionals

    Every setting is required to have a SEN. Special Educational Needs.

    Our overall aim is to make sure all children’s needs are met who are involved with SEN. This involves an IEP (Individual Educational Plan), which lasts for a period of 8 weeks, then reviewed and renewed if needed.

    Any invovlements with SEN will have the fill invovlement of the parent/carer.

    We also work with other professionals for example:

    Speech and language therapists

    A copy of our Inclusion Policy is held in the policy folder which is on our notice board in the foyer.

    Should you have any concerns regarding your child’re development or well-being, please do not hesitate to speak to our SEN-Co.

Useful links

30 Hours of free childcare

Benefits entitlement checker:

Tax Credits:

Family Information Service:
0845 129 7217

FREE early education place for two year old children:
Free early education for two year olds (bristol.gov.uk)